Package com.topologi.diffx.xml

A set classes and interfaces for XML processing.


Interface Summary
XMLFormattable An Object which implements this interface can be formatted as XML using a toXML method as a string.
XMLSerializable An Object which implements this interface can be serialized as XML using the XMLSerializer.
XMLWritable An Object which implements this interface can be written as XML using a XMLWriter instance.
XMLWriter Defines a writer for XML data.

Class Summary
XMLHelper Utility class that provides common XML operations so that the calling class uses lighter code.
XMLIndenter A class to indent automatically some XML data.
XMLSerializer This class provides methods to serialize objects to XML.
XMLStringWriter An XML which writes on to a string.
XMLUtils A utility class for XML data.
XMLWriterImpl A simple writer for XML data that does not support namespaces.
XMLWriterNSImpl A Namespace-aware writer for XML data.

Exception Summary
IllegalCloseElementException Exception thrown when attempting to close an element when there is no corresponding open element.
UnclosedElementException Exception thrown when an XML writer is closed but there is still and open element tag without it closing element.
UndeclaredNamespaceException Class of exceptions thrown when a namespace is being used without being declared.

Package com.topologi.diffx.xml Description

A set classes and interfaces for XML processing.