XML Output
Design rationale
The XML generated by the doclet uses the Java terminology as much as possible.
Elements usually map to the corresponding Object in the Doclet API (Class
, Constructor
, Method
, etc...)
Attributes usually correspond to methods returning primitive values. For example, Doclets methods returning boolean values will be expressed as attributes which value is either true
or false
, final
, static
, etc...)
The XML generated for each file looks like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <root xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"> <meta created="2013-02-20T14:20:14" /> <class> ... </class> * </root>
Each class is represented as:
<class abstract="false" final="true" superclass="Object" visibility="public" name="org.pageseeder.SampleClass" package="org.pageseeder" enum="false" serializable="false" interface="false" superclassfulltype="java.lang.Object" fulltype="org.pageseeder.SampleClass" type="SampleClass"> <implements> <interface fulltype="org.pageseeder.Example" type="Example" /> </implements> <comment>This is a samples to be used as an example.</comment> <annotations> <annotation name="TestMe" /> </annotations> <author>John Smith</author> <version>1.3</version> <since>1.0</since> <constructors> ... </constructors> <methods> ... </methods> </class>
Each constructor will have the following XML format:
<constructor final="false" static="false" synchronized="false" visibility="public" name="SampleClass" synthetic="false" interface="false" />
<methods> <method abstract="false" final="false" static="false" synchronized="false" visibility="public" name="setName" synthetic="false" fulltype="org.pageseeder.Nameable" type="Nameable" interface="false"> <parameters> <parameter name="req" fulltype="java.lang.String" type="String" /> </parameters> </method> <method abstract="false" final="false" static="false" synchronized="false" visibility="public" name="copy" synthetic="false" fulltype="void" type="void" interface="false"> <parameters> <parameter name="in" fulltype="java.io.Reader" type="Reader" /> <parameter name="out" fulltype="java.io.Writer" type="Writer" /> </parameters> <exceptions> <exception fulltype="java.io.IOException" type="IOException" /> </exceptions> </method> </methods>
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